Takaisin kaikkiin tapahtumiin

Rohatsu Sesshin 2021 - Opettajana Karen Terzano

Welcome to our yearly Rohatsu sesshin 2021 at Lammi Retreat Centre!

Sesshin is an intensive Zen retreat with about 8 hours of zazen (sitting meditation) every day. The word “sesshin” is Japanese and means “touching the heart-mind”.

Rohatsu is the most rigorous sesshin of the year. As such, we will make an extra effort to pay attention to the form. Rohatsu is an annual sesshin that commemorates Buddha’ struggle and enlightenment under the bodhi tree and it takes place at the same time at zen centres around the globe.

It is the perfect opportunity to come together with the rest of the sangha at the end of the year and reground zen practice in our life.

Rohatsu will start on Saturday November 27th at 18:00, and ends on Saturday December 4th around 13:00.

Participation fees: 290€ for members of Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland / 330€ for non-members. In case payment in-one-go is not feasible, or if in need of a discount, please contact the jikido.

To sign up, please find the registration form. here.

For more information or about part-time attendance, please contact the jikido Tania Moilanen: tania.l.moilanen@gmail.com.